Jul 4, 2024
Are the ruling class lying and using Biden’s flop as an excuse for a late pivot in their strategy? Or are they dumb?
How does the military train someone to think? How is that good or bad?
How do you help your children thrive without giving into every whim?
All this and more in this episode!
3-Way IPA by Fort...
Jun 7, 2024
In this episode we tackle some questions such as:
Is craft beer inherently better? Do smaller, more local operations (whatever the industry) better reflect what God calls good?
Did we, as a country, actually end up “winning” by outsourcing our manufacturing?
How do we raise children that are not afraid of the...
Apr 16, 2024
It has been TOO LONG since the Contratics have come together. We've remedied that after a long, rainy winter. But Spring is here and we are back with more hot tips on how to die to self and promote the growth of your family. They are the kind of hot tips that no one wants to hear and fewer want to apply. SLAY YOUR...
Oct 13, 2023
We hang out at the Walton cabin and talk about the progression of 2nd Amendment court cases, check in on our post-COVID view of the world, and push us fathers to make changes in ourselves for the sake of our families.
Fort George Fields of Green Fresh Hop IPA
Reubens Brews Gorgeous Fresh Hop IPA
Woodinville Whiskey...
Aug 13, 2023
In this episode we recap some summer actvities and give no reasonable explanation for the lack of episodes other than the fact that life is crazy. We discuss our frequently recurring topic of building resilient kids and that starting with father's having conviction about what they are doing and their own direction...